Mark Dickinson added the comment:

You need to remove the old files in decimaltestdata before copying the
new ones across:  nrmx218 is an old, and buggy, testcase;  at some point
Mike Cowlishaw renamed normalize.decTest to reduce.decTest.  He also
renamed the operation from normalize to reduce, but since this name
change hasn't made it into the most recent version of the specification
it's stayed as normalize in the Python source for now.  So it looks like
you ended up with an old version of normalize.decTest in addition to all
the new decTest files.

Note that redx218 in reduce.decTest is identical to nrmx218, except that
it specifies that Clamped *should* be raised.

For the hash method, I think it's safe to leave the old Python 2.5
__hash__ exactly as it is, but backport everything else.  This means
that hash will still be slow for large Decimals in Python 2.5 (i.e., we
won't be able to backport the fix for issue 1770416 in Python 2.5), but
at least it'll be correct.
If we backport the new __hash__ without also backporting the
corresponding core change to the long __hash__ then we'll be left with a
buggy __hash__.  The new tests for __hash__ are still valid, and I think
they shouldn't be skipped in the backported version.

And I definitely don't want to suggest backporting the long.__hash__
change---that just seems to be asking for trouble.

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