Aaron Watters added the comment:


I just modified the code to do iterations using increasingly large data
and I see the kind of very unpleasant behaviour for the old implementation
(max time varies wildly from min time) that I saw in my more complex
program.  The new implementation doesn't have
these problems.   First the runs and then the modified code


arw:/home/arw/test> ~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python_old mtest1.pyold
0 40 elapsed max= 2.28881835938e-05 min= 4.76837158203e-06 ratio= 4.8
1 160 elapsed max= 1.59740447998e-05 min= 9.05990600586e-06 ratio=
2 640 elapsed max= 2.40802764893e-05 min= 2.19345092773e-05 ratio=
3 2560 elapsed max= 8.79764556885e-05 min= 3.981590271e-05 ratio=
4 10240 elapsed max= 0.000290155410767 min= 0.000148057937622 ratio=
5 40960 elapsed max= 0.000867128372192 min= 0.00060510635376 ratio=
6 163840 elapsed max= 0.00739598274231 min= 0.00339317321777 ratio=
7 655360 elapsed max= 0.0883929729462 min= 0.0139379501343 ratio=
8 2621440 elapsed max= 1.69851398468 min= 0.0547370910645 ratio=
9 10485760 elapsed max= 9.98945093155 min= 0.213104963303 ratio=
10 41943040 elapsed max= 132.281101942 min= 0.834150075912 ratio=
arw:/home/arw/test> ~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python mtest1.py new
0 40 elapsed max= 2.19345092773e-05 min= 5.00679016113e-06 ratio=
1 160 elapsed max= 1.00135803223e-05 min= 9.05990600586e-06 ratio=
2 640 elapsed max= 3.19480895996e-05 min= 1.28746032715e-05 ratio=
3 2560 elapsed max= 5.69820404053e-05 min= 3.981590271e-05 ratio=
4 10240 elapsed max= 0.000186920166016 min= 0.000138998031616 ratio=
5 40960 elapsed max= 0.00355315208435 min= 0.000746965408325 ratio=
6 163840 elapsed max= 0.00326490402222 min= 0.00304794311523 ratio=
7 655360 elapsed max= 0.0127630233765 min= 0.0122020244598 ratio=
8 2621440 elapsed max= 0.0511522293091 min= 0.0484230518341 ratio=
9 10485760 elapsed max= 0.198891878128 min= 0.187420129776 ratio=
10 41943040 elapsed max= 0.758435964584 min= 0.729014158249 ratio=

Above high ratio numbers indicate strange and unpleasant performance
For iteration 7 and higher the old implementation has a much
worse max time performance than the new one.

Here is the test code:

def test():
    from marshal import dumps
    from time import time
    size = 10
    for i in range(11):
        size = size*4
        testString = "abc"*size
        #print "now testing", i, size
        minelapsed = None
        for j in range(11):
            now = time()
            dump = dumps(testString)
            elapsed = time()-now
            if minelapsed is None:
                minelapsed = elapsed
                maxelapsed = elapsed
                minelapsed = min(elapsed, minelapsed)
                maxelapsed = max(elapsed, maxelapsed)
        print i, size, "elapsed max=", maxelapsed, "min=", minelapsed,
"ratio=", maxelapsed/minelapsed

if __name__=="__main__":
    import sys
    print sys.argv[1]

-- Aaron Watters

On Jan 11, 2008 10:14 AM, Aaron Watters < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Aaron Watters added the comment:
> Facundo
> 1) the +1024 was an accelerator to jump up to over 1k at the first resize.
> I think it's a good idea or at least doesn't hurt.
> 2) Here is an example program:
> def test():
>    from marshal import dumps
>    from time import time
>    testString = "abc"*100000000
>    print "now testing"
>    now = time()
>    dump = dumps(testString)
>    elapsed = time()-now
>    print "elapsed", elapsed
> if __name__=="__main__":
>    test()
> Here are two runs: the first with the old marshal and the second with the
> patched marshal.  The second is
> better than 2* faster than the first.
> arw:/home/arw/test> ~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python_old mtest1.py
> now testing
> elapsed 4.13367795944
> arw:/home/arw/test> ~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python mtest1.py
> now testing
> elapsed 1.7495341301
> arw:/home/arw/test>
> The example that inspired this research was very complicated and involved
> millions of calls to dumps
> which caused a number of anomalies (system calls went berzerk for some
> reason, maybe paging).
>   -- Aaron Watters
> On Jan 11, 2008 9:25 AM, Facundo Batista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Facundo Batista added the comment:
> >
> > Why not just double the size? The "doubling + 1024" address some
> > specific issue? If so, it should be commented.
> >
> > Also, do you have an example of a marshal.dumps() that suffers from this
> > issue?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > ----------
> > nosy: +facundobatista
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > <http://bugs.python.org/issue1792>
> > __________________________________
> >
> Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9124/unnamed
> __________________________________
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue1792>
> __________________________________

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file9125/unnamed

also:<br><br>I just modified the code to do iterations using increasingly large 
data sizes<br>and I see the kind of very unpleasant behaviour for the old 
implementation<br>(max time varies wildly from min time) that I saw in my more 
<br>program.&nbsp; The new implementation doesn&#39;t have
<br>these problems.&nbsp;&nbsp; First the runs and then the modified 
code<br><br>runs<br><br>arw:/home/arw/test&gt; <br>arw:/home/arw/test&gt; 
~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python_old mtest1.py old<br>old<br>0 40 
elapsed max= 
2.28881835938e-05 min= 4.76837158203e-06 ratio= 4.8<br>1 160 elapsed max= 
1.59740447998e-05 min= 9.05990600586e-06 ratio= 1.76315789474<br>2 640 elapsed 
max= 2.40802764893e-05 min= 2.19345092773e-05 ratio= 1.09782608696<br>
3 2560 elapsed max= 8.79764556885e-05 min= 3.981590271e-05 ratio= 
2.20958083832<br>4 10240 elapsed max= 0.000290155410767 min= 0.000148057937622 
ratio= 1.95974235105<br>5 40960 elapsed max= 0.000867128372192 min= 
 ratio= 1.43301812451<br>6 163840 elapsed max= 0.00739598274231 min= 
0.00339317321777 ratio= 2.17966554244<br>7 655360 elapsed max= 0.0883929729462 
min= 0.0139379501343 ratio= 6.34189189189<br>8 2621440 elapsed max= 
 min= 0.0547370910645 ratio= 31.0304028155<br>9 10485760 elapsed max= 
9.98945093155 min= 0.213104963303 ratio= 46.875730986<br>10 41943040 elapsed 
max= 132.281101942 min= 0.834150075912 ratio= 
mtest1.py new<br>new<br>0 40 elapsed max= 2.19345092773e-05 min= 
5.00679016113e-06 ratio= 4.38095238095<br>1 160 elapsed max= 1.00135803223e-05 
min= 9.05990600586e-06 ratio= 1.10526315789<br>2 640 elapsed max= 
 min= 1.28746032715e-05 ratio= 2.48148148148<br>3 2560 elapsed max= 
5.69820404053e-05 min= 3.981590271e-05 ratio= 1.43113772455<br>4 10240 elapsed 
max= 0.000186920166016 min= 0.000138998031616 ratio= 1.34476843911<br>5 40960 
elapsed max= 
0.00355315208435 min= 0.000746965408325 ratio= 4.75678263645<br>6 163840 
elapsed max= 0.00326490402222 min= 0.00304794311523 ratio= 1.07118272841<br>7 
655360 elapsed max= 0.0127630233765 min= 0.0122020244598 ratio= 1.04597588855
<br>8 2621440 elapsed max= 0.0511522293091 min= 0.0484230518341 ratio= 
1.05636112082<br>9 10485760 elapsed max= 0.198891878128 min= 0.187420129776 
ratio= 1.06120873124<br>10 41943040 elapsed max= 0.758435964584 min= 
 ratio= 1.04035834696<br>arw:/home/arw/test&gt; <br><br>Above high ratio 
numbers indicate strange and unpleasant performance variance.<br>For iteration 
7 and higher the old implementation has a much<br>worse max time performance 
than the new one.
<br><br>Here is the test code:<br><br>def test():<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; from 
marshal import dumps<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; from time import 
time<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; size = 10<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; for i in 
range(11):<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; size = 
size*4<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; testString = 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; #print &quot;now testing&quot;, 
i, size<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; minelapsed = 
None<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; for j in 
 now = 
dump = 
 elapsed = 
 if minelapsed is None:
 minelapsed = 
 maxelapsed = 
 minelapsed = min(elapsed, 
 maxelapsed = max(elapsed, 
maxelapsed)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; print i, size, 
&quot;elapsed max=&quot;, maxelapsed, &quot;min=&quot;, minelapsed, 
&quot;ratio=&quot;, maxelapsed/minelapsed
<br><br>if __name__==&quot;__main__&quot;:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; import 
sys<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; print sys.argv[1]<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
test()<br><br>-- Aaron Watters<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Jan 11, 2008 
10:14 AM, Aaron Watters &lt;
<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" target="_blank">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&gt; 
wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid 
rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<br>Aaron Watters added the comment:
<br><div><div></div><div><br>Facundo<br><br>1) the +1024 was an accelerator to 
jump up to over 1k at the first resize.<br>I think it&#39;s a good idea or at 
least doesn&#39;t hurt.<br><br>2) Here is an example program:
<br><br>def test():<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;from marshal import dumps<br> &nbsp; 
&nbsp;from time import time<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;testString = 
&quot;abc&quot;*100000000<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;print &quot;now testing&quot;<br> 
&nbsp; &nbsp;now = time()<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;dump = dumps(testString)<br>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;elapsed = time()-now
<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;print &quot;elapsed&quot;, elapsed<br><br>if 
__name__==&quot;__main__&quot;:<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;test()<br><br>Here are two 
runs: the first with the old marshal and the second with the<br>patched 
marshal. &nbsp;The second is<br>better than 2* faster than the first.
<br><br>arw:/home/arw/test&gt; ~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python_old 
mtest1.py<br>now testing<br>elapsed 4.13367795944<br>arw:/home/arw/test&gt; 
~/apache2/htdocs/pythonsrc/Python/python mtest1.py<br>now testing<br>

elapsed 1.7495341301<br>arw:/home/arw/test&gt;<br><br>The example that inspired 
this research was very complicated and involved<br>millions of calls to 
dumps<br>which caused a number of anomalies (system calls went berzerk for some
<br>reason, maybe paging).<br><br> &nbsp; -- Aaron Watters<br><br>On Jan 11, 
2008 9:25 AM, Facundo Batista &lt;<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
target="_blank">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&gt; wrote:<br><br>&gt;<br></div>
</div><div>&gt; Facundo Batista added the comment:<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Why not just 
double the size? The &quot;doubling + 1024&quot; address some<br>&gt; specific 
issue? If so, it should be commented.<br>&gt;<br>
&gt; Also, do you have an example of a marshal.dumps() that suffers from 
this<br>&gt; issue?<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Thank you!<br>&gt;<br>&gt; 
----------<br>&gt; nosy: +facundobatista<br>&gt;<br>&gt; 
<br>&gt; Tracker &lt;<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" target="_blank">[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]</a>&gt;<br>&gt; &lt;<a href="http://bugs.python.org/issue1792"; 
&gt; __________________________________
<br>&gt;<br><br></div></div>Added file: <a 
<br>Tracker &lt;<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" target="_blank">[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]</a>&gt;<br>&lt;<a href="http://bugs.python.org/issue1792"; 

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