New submission from Phil Connell:

This is a testcase for issue17669 - it passes against the latest default (and 
hits the same segfault under 3.3.0).

I came up with this while tracking down a thorny generator finalisation crash 
that turned out to be a variant on 17669.

The root cause was gen_close being called on a generator that's delegating to 
another, and whose frame has already had frame_clear called (so f_stacktop is 

It's reproduced by creating a reference cycle that's broken by clearing the 
delegating generator's frame.

components: Interpreter Core
files: gen_close_with_cleared_frame.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 193765
nosy: benjamin.peterson, isoschiz, pconnell
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Test for closing delegating generator with cleared frame (Issue17669)
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4
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