New submission from Nick Coghlan:

As discussed at the language summit earlier this year [1], it isn't alway easy 
to tell when glancing through the standard library docs which modules are 
merely hanging around because removing them would break backwards compatibility.

However, after reviewing the current ToC, we currently appear to only have two 
genuinely superseded modules: optparse (superseded by argparse) and imp 
(superseded by importlib).

Other cases where different modules touch on the same area are high level/low 
level splits (e.g. select vs selectors), or ones where the alternate modules 
are offering compatibility with different styles of API (e.g. etree vs DOM for 
XML, getopt vs argparse).

In future, asyncore/asynchat will hopefully be superseded by the PEP 3156 code 
(as "" or similar) and would also be moved under the new 

Marking as "easy" since the mechanics of the patch should be pretty simple: 
create a new heading and move the references to optparse and imp from their 
current locations.


(I thought I had already created a bug for this, but can't find it, so I've 
created this new one. If I did already create an issue, we can close it as a 
duplicate and keep this one.)

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
keywords: easy
messages: 197154
nosy: docs@python, ncoghlan
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Create a "Superseded modules" section in standard library ToC
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4

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