Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

+lots on ending News Merge Hell. After too many bad experiences, I now avoid 
pushing non-Idle patches that require a News entry. Even for those who do not 
mind merge conflicts, there is still the waste of time.

The premise of non-checkout code management is that code expands with the 
number developers, so merge conflicts should stay rare. Making everyone edit 
the same few areas of one file subverts this premise.

The switch to hg introduced push races. A merge conflict lengthens the time 
required to fix things after losing a race. This increases the chance of 
loosing the race a second time. This has happened to me.

These problems would be worse if there were more active developers, which we 

Some possible solutions.

1. Get hg to ignore lower context, which is the source of conflicts. The upper 
context of
Section Title

is never a problem.

2. Generate news entry from commit message on an *opt-in* basis using a section 
tag line **Section, where Section is one of Code, Lib, Text, Doc, Idle. Only 
pay attention to the first letter. Only text before the tag line would go in 
News. Example commit message:

Issue #12345: fix the bug. This is also the news entry.
Patch by New Contributor
Comment for developers only.

This would work for at well over half of existing commits. I consider the 
elimination of duplication a bonus. A developer who preferred to write an 
independent News entry still could.

3. I though of separate News.3.3, News.3.4. While this would prevent forward 
merge conflicts (very helpful), it would not solve within version pull-merge 
conflicts, as when loosing a push race.

4. I thought of putting adding enough blank lines between header and first 
entries so that if more blanks were added with entries, the lower context could 
be 3 blank lines, and hence no conflict. However, when hg does diffs and must 
choose, it sees upper blank lines as context and lower blank lines as new, 
whereas the opposite would be needed for this to work. But this choice enables 
the following idea.

5. Add a new Log file with each entry consisting of a tag line, the entry, and 
3 blank lines. If
Issue #12345. Fix bug. This is News entry.
Patch by New Contributor

were augmented to
Issue #12345. Fix bug. This is News entry.
Patch by New Contributor

Issue #12348. Add feature. This is another News entry.

the diff would start with three blank lines of context.

Issue #12348. Add feature. This is another News entry.

6. Have a directory of personal log files, one for each developer, that get 
periodically merged into news and emptied (or deleted when a release is 
tagged). The advantage, and only advantage, over a joint log file is not having 
to enforce the spacing of a joint log file.

nosy: +terry.reedy

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