Zero Piraeus added the comment:

'Ignore' and 'suppress' are not synonyms:

> forcibly put an end to.
> "the rising was savagely suppressed"
> synonyms: subdue, repress, crush, quell, quash, squash, stamp out

> refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
> "he ignored her outraged question"
> synonyms: disregard, take no notice of, pay no attention to [...]

I know that ncoghlan and rhettinger (and maybe others) are annoyed by what they 
see as bikeshedding, but there is a genuine issue here. To summarize the 
objection raised on python-dev, the problem is that this:

    with ignore(SomeException):

... is easily misunderstood as ignoring every occurrence of SomeException 
throughout the with-statement. 

If you understand how context managers work, it's not difficult to see why 
that's not the case, but the name strongly suggests the incorrect reading over 
the correct one.

I don't think 'suppress' is perfect. At the risk of further enraging those who 
are already tired of this discusion, I'll re-propose 'silence', which IMO comes 
closest to describing what is actually going on:

> cause to become silent; prohibit or prevent from speaking.
> "the team's performance silenced their critics"
> synonyms: quiet, hush, shush

I also quite like 'quash' from the list of 'suppress' synonyms above, but 
that's probably just because it's a nice word to say :-)


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