New submission from Stefan Krah:

Lifting this from #7442:

"Very plain checkout of git and ./configure && make && make test leads to
another failed test, but not this one (issue #19353). So either we do
something wrong in all those Fedora patches, or this has been fixed
since 3.3.2."

If there was a bug, it's quite likely that it has been fixed in 3.4.
In that case it would probably also have been fixed in the development
3.3 branch, so you could check that, too (in mercurial: hg up 3.3).

components: Tests
messages: 200978
nosy: mcepl, skrah
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_format fails on RHEL-6
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

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