Brett Cannon added the comment:

On Jan 28, 2008 5:03 PM, Giampaolo Rodola' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:
> > Have a look at
> > where a GHOP student did a conversion as well.
> Interesting, didn't know about that.
> In future I'll check that site before start working on a new patch
> involving the test suite since it seems those students are already
> working on these kind of issues.

We have held off on committing their code until we get contributor
agreements from them. Hopefully that will all get resolved in February
and thus you won't have to check the GHOP site for long.

> > Any chance to come up with a possible merged version
> > that takes the best from your work, Giampaolo and the
> > student's work?
> Don't know... the suite is extremely simple and, IMO, I don't even think
> there's a real need to do that.
> I noticed that the student added/changed some stuff like the new
> "test_modes" method which maybe could be useful to have.

Well, if you have an opinion, feel free to leave a comment in this
issue about it. I will most likely be the one who does the checkin and
I will read this issue before I commit.

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