Tal Einat added the comment:

Terry, please do give Squeezer a try before making a decision! Squeezer may be 
slightly more complex than ClearWindow in concept and in code, but IMO it is 
simpler and more appropriate for use by a novice user.

I'm attaching a screenshot to give a feeling of what working in the IDLE shell 
with Squeezer looks like. This screenshot was taken on Windows. Note that the 
second squeezed text is the very long "Max recursion depth" exception 
traceback, which I manually squeezed after it was printed.

Now I'll try to make the case for Squeezer one last time...

Nobody expects a Squeezer Inquisition! Amongst Squeezer's weaponry are such 
diverse elements as:

1. No fear! Squeezer automatically catches overly long outputs for users, so 
they need not fear crashing IDLE or losing their history just by printing 
something long accidentally.

2. No surprise! Squeezer requires no learning and is completely 
self-explanatory. It's an in-line button with a label of the form "Squeezed 
text (13412 lines)". Hovering over it with the mouse shows tooltip listing the 
various available interactions (expand, copy, preview). Don't want the text to 
be squeezed? Double-click and the button is replaced by the original text!

3. Ruthless efficiency! With Squeezer, IDLE will never slow down to a crawl 
again! (Well, unless you explicitly expand a very long output.)

4. Dashing red uniforms! Okay, not really, but it does look nice.

Also, beware *the comfy chair*! Squeezer conveniently allows one to manually 
squeeze exception tracebacks and other outputs to clean up the shell history. 
This is available via the right-click context menu.

Finally, I'll mention that ClearWindow forces a user to choose: delete your 
entire shell history, or keep it all. Squeezer allows a user to choose which 
parts to hide and which to keep, and nothing is ever lost since squeezed text 
can always be expanded again.

That's it. If this doesn't convince people of the utility of Squeezer, I truly 
believe nothing else will.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34200/Squeezer Screenshot.PNG

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