New submission from Jeffrey Walton:

Python's code is crisp and sharp. From a software design perspective, I don't 
see a lot of room for improvement. However, looking at some of the issues 
flagged by Clang sanitizers and existing bug reports, I think the project has a 
couple of small opportunities for improvement in the engineering process. The 
small improvements have the potential for large payoffs, and could help take a 
mature code base to the next level.

The improvements are not sexy, and they are often overlooked. The improvements 
are: (1) add instrumentation to the code; and (2) add scanning and analysis to 
the engineering process. To improve the code and engineering process to 
proactively hunt obscure and hard to find bugs, I would suggest three 
actionable items:

  * ASSERTions
  * Clang Santizers
  * Coverity Scans

Placing measures to proactively hunt bugs will improve the code quality, and 
likely allow the project to drop `-fwrapv` and friends from compiler options 

The code uses Posix's little assert on occasion. Posix assert is useless during 
development because it raise SIGABRT. Additionally, the code has minimal 
assertions, so assertions are not being utilized effectively.

I think there is an opportunity to use a big ASSERT. The big ASSERT raises a 
SIGTRAP, and during development it will ensure the debugger snaps on an 
unexpected condition. The big ASSERT raises awareness where needed and allows 
the developers to continue handling on a negative code path.

ASSERTs should be liberally sprinkled. That is, ASSERT parameters, return 
values and program state. Python is setup correctly with NDEBUG on Release 
builds, so the ASSERTs will be removed in production.

With a full compliment of ASSERTs in place, the code will essential debug 
itself under most circumstances. In fact, I often pitch it as "self-debugging 
code" to management.

 Self debugging code has three benefits. First, self debugging code is 
effectively a force multiplier, and it allows fewer developers to maintain a 
larger code base. Second, it allows non-senior members to effectively 
contribute to the project. Google Summer of Code interns and junior developers 
could be effective team members since the ASSERTs will often guide them in 
tracing problems. Third, ASSERTs free up time for other endeavors, like adding 
features to Python or watching football.

Clang Sanitizers
I think the code base would benefit from regular Clang sanitizer scans. From 
initial scanning and testing, I believe Clang and its sanitizers has shown its 

The sanitizers perform dynamic analysis. The issues flagged are almost always 
real issues, and require almost no filtering due to false positives. The 
analysis should include the undefined behavior sanitizer (-fsanitize=undefined) 
and the address sanitizer (-fsanitize=address). There are more sanitizers 
available, and they are listed at

>From past experience, I've used Asan (address sanitizer) and UBsan (undefined 
>behavior sanitizer) to find tricky bugs in other projects and libraries. For 
>example, Wei Dai's Crypto++ would fail one self test when compiled with 
>Intel's ICC (but pass them all under Clang, Comeau, GCC and MSVC).

The failed Crypto++ self test was due to ICC aggressively removing undefined 
behavior, and the Intel compiler/optimizer targeted [not readily apprent] 
undefined behavior in the underlying library code. After fixing the library 
code identifed by Clang UBsan, Crypto++ tested fine under all compilers.

The real beauty here is: (1) Python already has a mature process, so the 
addition of the Clang analysis will take minimal effort; and (2) Python has a 
rich set of self-test, so the Clang sanitizers can *really* be effective.

For areas that don't have complete self test coverage, its another task that 
can be delegated to non-senior members and contributors. That frees up time for 
senior members to do other things, like adding features to Python or watching 

Coverity Scans
I think the project could benefit from Coverity scanning and analysis. The 
analysis is quite good most of the time, and I believe it will complement 
Python's exiting engineering process. In addition, it will complement Clang 
analysis is Clang is adopted.

Coverity is one of the high-end analysis engines available. Though Coverity is 
a pay-to-play service, Coverity offers a free scanning service for free 
projects. The URL for the free service is It cost 
nothing to sign up for, and it costs nothing to run a scan. Minimal effort is 
required to prepare a binary for upload.

Coverity performs static analysis, and it will flag false positives on 
occasion. However, its a trade-off in the effort to proactively hunt bugs.

components: Build
messages: 213728
nosy: Jeffrey.Walton
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Engineering Process Improvements
type: enhancement

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