New submission from Alexander Belopolsky:

[Nathaniel Smith at numpy-discussion]

Guido just formally accepted PEP 465:


The next step is to implement it, in CPython and in numpy. I have time
to advise on this, but not to do it myself, so, any volunteers? Ever
wanted to hack on the interpreter itself, with BDFL guarantee your
patch will be accepted (if correct)?

The todo list for CPython is here:
There's one open question which is where the type slots should be
added. I'd just add them to PyNumberMethods and then if someone
objects during patch review it can be changed.

assignee: belopolsky
components: Interpreter Core
messages: 215724
nosy: belopolsky
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Implement matrix multiplication operator (PEP 465)
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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