Jessica McKellar added the comment:

I ran some experiments to see what the state of the world is. I generated a 
test.csv by exporting a CSV file from Numbers on OSX. This generated a file 
with Windows-style \r\n-terminated lines. The attached tries to 
open this CSV file in binary and universal newlines modes. Here's what happens 
on various platforms

Python 3:
* Linux: both binary and universal work
* OSX: binary errors out, universal works
* Windows: binary errors out, universal works

In both cases, the error was:

$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    for row in spamreader:
_csv.Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes (did you open the file in 
text mode?)

Python 2:
* Linux: both binary and universal work
* OSX: both binary and universal
* Windows: wasn't readily able to test

If I manually create a CSV file using TextEdit in plaintext mode on OSX, that 
produces a file with Mac-style \r-terminated lines. has the same 
results on this file on OSX (errors out in binary mode in Python 3).

nosy: +jesstess
Added file:

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