Gregor Lingl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:

This version runs under Python 2.5 and should run under python 2.6 It
still needs some amendments and polishing concerning the code as well as
the docstrings. Here it can serve as a starting point for a discussion
about necessary and/or desirable modifications.

A version for Python-3000 is under construction

For the new features please consult xturtle-docs.

Remarks on Martin's 10 points (msg 50550):

1) Should be discussed. I think a few demos would be fine, the whole
package perhaps would be to large. (I'll prepare a selection and upload
it in due time)
2) decision about replacement or supllement has still to be done. This
update will be easy ;-)
3) Who is that somebody?
4) Still has to be done
5) I for my part don't like Point, because this name refers more to the
geometrical than to the computational aspects of the object. What about
_Vec2 or _Vec2D? In this version an alias without the leading underscore
can be created via an entry in the xturtle.cfg file.
6) camelCase methodnames are changed to lowercase (at least the public ones)
7) Docstrings has still to be checked
8) n argument of clear has been dropped.
9) checkargs has been dropped (for now). It's purpose was intended to be
to check the types of the arguments and construct appropriate error
messages useful for programming beginners. I deferred it until I
eventually be able to come up with some intelligent solution using
decorators ;-) Would be fine but is not urgent.
10) Maybe there are still a few. These will be changed.

nosy: +glingl
versions: +Python 2.6 -Python 2.4
Added file:

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