Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

The use of context lib in _read_output should not be necessary anymore as file 
objects and NamedTemporaryFile objects already are context managers with the 
right semantics. 

I'm not sure how to avoid the import of tempfile other than adding a minimal 
implementation of tempfile.mkstemp to _osx_support, in particular because the 
fallback code in _osx_support is insecure: It uses a named temporary file in 
/tmp with and because the name of the file is predictable there is 
a small risk of overwriting arbitrary files when an attacker has access to 
/tmp. I guess the fallback is there to use during bootstrap, it should really 
be avoided afterwards. 

BTW. A small unscientific test on my laptop didn't see any differences between 
the regular _osx_support and a version where "import re" was moved inside the 
functions that use that module.  But: that's on a fast laptop with SSD for 
storage, there could easily be a difference on systems with slower storage.

Ned: do you remember what your idea was w.r.t. avoid the use of re? I guess its 
easy enough to replace the current re-using code by code that only uses str 
methods, but your phrasing seems to indicate another plan.


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