Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Glossary fixed. I changed the components to Documention as you will handle 
email elsewhere.

For library references: The key sentence currently used in all entries is "This 
method uses the universal newlines approach to splitting lines.", where 
*universal newlines* is linked to the glossary.

2.x has one entry for str and unicode. I propose to add "Unicode.splitlines 
also splits on '\x0b' ('\v'), '\x0c' ('\f'), '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x85', 
'\u2028', and '\u2029'." 

3.x bytes entry is good as is.

3.x str entry is wrong. Replace with "This method splits on universal newlines 
and also on '\x0b' ('\v'), '\x0c' ('\f'), '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x85', 
'\u2028', and '\u2029'." 

The docstrings now contain about the same as the docs, minus the key line above.
"   Return a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.
    Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends
    is given and true."

Between the sentences, I propose to add:
"Boundaries are indicated by 'universal newlines' ('\x0a' ('\n'), '\x0d' 
('\r'), and '\x0d\x0a' ('\r\n'))." for bytes,
 with the addition of "and '\x0b' ('\v'), '\x0c' ('\f'), '\x1c', '\x1d', 
'\x1e', '\x85', '\u2028', and '\u2029'" for unicode.

assignee:  -> docs@python
components: +Documentation -Library (Lib), Unicode, email
nosy: +docs@python
stage:  -> needs patch
versions: +Python 2.7

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