Akira Li added the comment:

> Matt Frank added the comment:
> In msg230720 Akira Li (akira) wrote:
>> os.defpath is supposed to be ':'+CS_PATH, e.g., look at glibc (C library
>> used on Linux) sysdeps/posix/spawni.c I don't know whether it is
>> possible to change CS_PATH without recompiling every statically linked
>> executable on a system, sysdeps/unix/confstr.h:
>>   #define CS_PATH "/bin:/usr/bin"
>> Though this issue is about the path to the standard shell sh/cmd.exe.
>> It is not about os.defpath.
> I understand this issue is about the path to the standard shell.
> My argument is that os.defpath is the wrong tool for finding that
> path, and os.confstr('CS_PATH') is the correct tool, as you originally
> suggested in msg224514.

I'll repeat os.defpath definition that I've cited in the same message

  The default search path used by exec*p* and spawn*p* if the
  environment doesn’t have a 'PATH' key. Also available via os.path.

1. os.defpath should work (contain the path to the standard shell)
   everywhere where os.confstr("CS_PATH") works.

2. And it might be easier to customize e.g., on systems where there is
   no os.confstr or where changing CS_PATH involves recompiling crucial
   system processes.

If these two statements are not true then os.defpath could be dropped.

>> The patch [1] has tests. Have you tried to run them?
>> The tests *pass* at least on one system ;)
>> [...]
>> os.get_shell_executable() does not use cwd. Neither the documentation
>> nor the code in the patch suggest that.
> I ran the tests (and the entire Python test suite) before I wrote my
> first message.  But you didn't test what happens when there is a bogus
> 'sh' somewhere along the path.  You also have a bug in your path
> searching loop that interprets an empty element on the path as "/".
> Here's the current failure mode:
> Go to root on your Posix system.  With "su" or "sudo" create an
> executable file named sh.  (for example "cd /; sudo touch sh; sudo
> chmod +x sh").  Then go back to your python interpreter (with the
> patch applied) and run "os.get_shell_executable()".  The returned
> result will be '/sh'.
> But if you fix the loop to iterate over the path correctly (including
> 'cwd') then you will find that putting an executable named 'sh' in the
> current working directory will make os.get_shell_executable() return
> the "sh" in the current working directory (because os.defpath says it
> should).

Comment in the patch explicitly says that '' is interpreted as '/'. The
intent is to exclude the current working directory, thinking that /sh
executable can create only root. And root can do anything to the machine

I agree. It is a misfeature. I've uploaded a new patch that excludes ''
completely. The previous code tried to be too cute.

> The loop _should_ be treating empty path elements as current working
> directory.  (In the glibc sysdeps/posix/spawni.c file you pointed to
> look around line 281, by the comment that says "/* Two adjacent
> colons, or a colon at the beginning or the end of 'PATH' means to
> search the current directory.*/")

yes. Empty path element stands for the current working directory e.g.,

   $ PATH= python
   $ PATH=: python
   $ PATH=:/ python
   $ PATH=/: python

run ./python on my system.

The current working directory is intentionally excluded (in the original
and in the current patches) otherwise os.get_exec_path(env={}) would be

> Note also, that glibc's spawni() uses two different "default paths".
> One is for if the user didn't specify their PATH variable (that's the
> one where they use ":/bin:/usr/bin") and a completely different (built
> in path is used in the spawn*p* version) if it turns out that the file
> is a script that needs to run under the system sh.  (On line 290 they
> call maybe_script_execute(), which calls script_execute(), which uses

glibc hardcodes the path (like subprocess module does currently):

  #define       _PATH_BSHELL    "/bin/sh"

os.get_shell_executable() is an enhancement that allows
(Unix) systems to configure the path via os.defpath.

> But os.defpath doesn't work on Android either (because it is hardcoded
> to ':/bin:/usr/bin').

As I've mentioned in msg224514 before posting my original patch:

- "Andriod uses /system/bin/sh"
- "os.defpath could be tweaked on Android"

i.e., yes. Default os.defpath doesn't work there and it should be
configured on Android to include the path to the standard shell.


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