Daniel Lenski added the comment:

Here's the class I have been using for reading namedtuples from CSV files:

    from collections import namedtuple
    from itertools import imap
    import csv

    class CsvNamedTupleReader(object):
        __slots__ = ('_r', 'row', 'fieldnames')
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self._r = csv.reader(*args, **kwargs)
            self.row = namedtuple("row", self._r.next())
            self.fieldnames = self.row._fields

        def __iter__(self):
            #FIXME: how about this? return imap(self.row._make, 
            return imap(self.row._make, self._r)

        dialect = property(lambda self: self._r.dialect)
        line_num = property(lambda self: self._r.line_num)

This class wraps csv.reader since it doesn't seem to be possible to inherit 
from it. It uses itertools.imap to iterate over the rows output by csv.reader 
and convert them to the namedtuple class.

One thing that needs fixing (marked with FIXME above) is what to do in the case 
of a row which has more fields than the header row. The simplest solution is 
simply to truncate such a row, but perhaps more options are needed, similar to 
those offered by DictReader.

nosy: +dlenski

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