Demian Brecht added the comment:

> Aside from that, however, I see request.('GET', '/') and request.('GET', '/', 
> '') as clearly *different* from an API call standpoint, so I would in any 
> case preserve the existing behavior.

I do understand the case that the the two examples look different from a 
caller’s standpoint. However as a user, I’d expect the library to do the Right 
Thing due to a deeper understanding of the theory behind the API that I’m 
using. Perhaps it would have made more sense to default body to empty string 
rather than None in which case there wouldn’t be a need for this distinction.

That said, I do understand the reasoning behind not breaking backwards 
compatibility and it’s not a problem until reported and am not looking to get 
into an API design argument (especially for something as low impact as what I 
was proposing). So @James, I stand corrected :)


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