New submission from Terry J. Reedy:

This issue is about making coordinated changes to the py launcher doc and 

1. The py launcher doc is  If 
one does not know where to look, it is hard to find.  Add an index entry 'py 
launcher' pointing here.

2. py -h lists 'launcher arguments' but does not explain the default if none is 
given and how to change the default.  There is way too much to say in a -h 
response, so I suggest just adding a reference to the doc plus the directories 
searched for .ini files 

for information on the default version and how to change it with a py.ini file. 
 This executable looks for py.ini in <user app directory> and <py.exe install 

3. Customization via INI files starts "Two .ini files will be searched 
by the launcher - py.ini in the current user’s “application data” directory 
(i.e. the directory returned by calling the Windows function SHGetFolderPath 
with CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA) and py.ini in the same directory as the launcher."  
Add "These directories are listed as part of the output of 'py -h'.  Also add 
"Adding or editing a file in an all-users install directory requires logging in 
with an administrator account."

4. In my experience, a new install of py.exe wipes out an existing py.ini along 
with the py(w).exe files.  'del py.*'?  If this is intended, it should be 
documented.  If not (and it is a nuisance having the default reverted back to 
py 2), it should not happen (separate issue?).

Nick, I don't know who currently maintains py.exe, but presume you do.

messages: 237817
nosy: ncoghlan, steve.dower, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Improve py launcher help, index, and doc
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

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