Zachary Ware added the comment:

Larry: Here's your sample:

/*[clinic input]

    application_name: Py_UNICODE(nullable=True)
    command_line: Py_UNICODE(nullable=True)
    proc_attrs: object
        Ignored internally, can be None.
    thread_attrs: object
        Ignored internally, can be None.
    inherit_handles: BOOL
    creation_flags: DWORD
    env_mapping: object
    current_directory: Py_UNICODE(nullable=True)
    startup_info: object

Create a new process and its primary thread.

The return value is a tuple of the process handle, thread handle,
process ID, and thread ID.
[clinic start generated code]*/

static PyObject *
_winapi_CreateProcess_impl(PyModuleDef *module, Py_UNICODE *application_name, 
Py_UNICODE *command_line, PyObject *proc_attrs, PyObject *thread_attrs, BOOL 
inherit_handles, DWORD creation_flags, PyObject *env_mapping, Py_UNICODE 
*current_directory, PyObject *startup_info)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=c279c1271b4c45cf input=6667ea0bc7036472]*/


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