Jesse Bacon added the comment:

Thank you for the second eyes. 
I just verified that it works using the standard python shell.  It looks like 
the bug is in IPython.  I’ll post it there.

In [7]: class A:
   ...:     def __init__(self, value):
   ...:         self.value = value
   ...:     def __repr__(self):
   ...:         return str(self.value)

In [8]: a = A(10)

In [9]: d = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

In [10]: d['primary'] = a

In [11]: d['primary'] 
Out[11]: 10

In [12]: del a

In [13]: gc.collect()
Out[13]: 148

In [14]: d['primary']
Out[14]: 10

In [15]: 


Jesse Bacon

> On May 3, 2015, at 8:54 PM, R. David Murray <> wrote:
> R. David Murray added the comment:
> If I run the example code you pasted using 2.7, I get a KeyError.  So the 
> example looks correct to me.
> ----------
> nosy: +r.david.murray
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title: Python 2.7 Tutorial Conflicting behavior  with WeakValueDictionary. -> 
Python 2.7 Tutorial Conflicting behavior with WeakValueDictionary.

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