New submission from Yuri Teixeira:

from pathlib import Path
p = Path('/any/folder')
f = p / 'oldname'

The above will rename the file 'oldname' to 'newname' but will also
move it to Path.cwd()

I thought that pathlib.Path.rename() when fed with a string would
change only. I certainly did not expect the file to move. My
hypothesis is that a new Path('newname') is being created and used to
move the file so it that goes to Path.cwd() with the new name but I
don't know anything. Please disregard if this is working as intended.

The docs do not mention this behavior:

I'm using Python 3.4.3 on Debian testing.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 242847
nosy: yurit
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pathlib.Path.rename moves file to Path.cwd() when argument is a string
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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