New submission from Stefan Krah:

I tried to disprove my own claim of unreachable code in resize()/get_index() 
using a convoluted threaded test case.

The code still fails to be reached, but another segfault turned up.

components: Extension Modules
messages: 244661
nosy: Arfrever, BreamoreBoy, Jim.Jewett, Mark.Shannon, Ryan.Gonzalez, alex, 
asvetlov, benjamin.peterson, christian.heimes, eric.araujo, eric.smith, 
eric.snow, ezio.melotti, flox, gregory.p.smith, introom, josh.r, mrabarnett, 
ncoghlan, ned.deily, pitrou, python-dev, rhettinger, scoder, serhiy.storchaka, 
skrah, tonn81, westurner, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: OrderedDict: crash with threads
type: crash
versions: Python 3.6
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