New submission from Min RK:

.pth files currently allow execution of arbitrary code, triggered by lines 
starting with `import`. This is a rarely understood, and often misbehaving 
feature. easy_install has used this feature to ensure that its packages are 
highest priority (even higher than stdlib). This is one of the unfortunate 
behaviors that pip undoes from easy_install, in part due to the problems it can 
cause. There is currently a proposal in setuptools to stop using this, even for 

The attached patch removes support for executing code in .pth files, throwing 
an ImportWarning if any such attempts at import are seen.

General question that might result in rejecting this patch:

Are there any good/valid use cases for .pth files being able to execute 
arbitrary code at interpreter start time?

If this is accepted, some implementation questions:

1. if the feature is removed in 3.6, should a DeprecationWarning be added to 
2. Is ImportWarning the right warning class (or should there even be a warning)?

components: Installation
files: 0001-disable-executing-code-in-.pth-files.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 245959
nosy: minrk
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: disable executing code in .pth files
versions: Python 3.6
Added file:

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