Michael Foord added the comment:

I had a chance to talk to Guido about this at EuroPython. His feeling was that 
a separate set of functions *is* a better API - or at least would have been if 
mock had been designed this way from the start. 

However, the most serious problem with the current API is solved (as assert* 
attributes that don't exist now raise an AttributeError) and it isn't worth 
breaking people's code by deprecating then removing the assert methods just for 
a slightly cleaner API.

As I agree about breaking code I'm inclined to close this with WontFix unless 
someone has strong feelings that it should be left open.

(Thanks Robert for the proposal - it's hard for me not to feel emotionally 
attached to the current API, which makes it correspondingly hard to be 
objective about it, but I appreciate people's desires to improve mock.)


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