Mike Lundy added the comment:

@serhiy.storchaka: It's somewhat of a special case, to be sure. However, I do 
think it's justified to put it into the base (rather than a user type) for 
three reasons:

1) It makes IntEnum and Enum consistent. IntEnum actually already handles this 
case just fine, because it's an int and therefore already supports __bool__ 
correctly. It feels odd that changing the storage format from an IntEnum to a 
Enum should break the logic- correctly used, the actual enum values should 
never matter. This small change just brings them into line.

2) It is less surprising than the current case; I discovered this when I did 
something like the Enum.Nope case here, and I naively used the enum in an if 
statement, assuming that the value would control the __bool__ value. (This was 
caught by my tests, of course, but the point remains that I wrote the code). 
Normally in python, you'd expect the default bool conversion to be 
unconditionally True, but enums aren't really normal objects; for any use case 
for which there is a default noop value, you'd generally put that value _into_ 
the enum:

class FilterType(Enum):
    NONE = None
    SUB  = 'Sub'
    UP   = 'Up'

3) It's not logically inconsistent with the idea of Enums. The other dunder 
methods you mention aren't consistent with the concept: __float__ (enum values 
aren't generally numbers except as an implementation detail), __lt__ (enums 
aren't generally ordered), __len__ (enums aren't generally containers). The one 
thing an enum does have is a value, and it feels consistent to me to check the 
truthiness of an enum without having to reach into the .value to do so.

Anyway, that's my case for inclusion!


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