Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

I did not find any significant different between 3.4 and 3.5 on Windows running 
the following:

import os, time
from importlib import import_module

files = os.listdir("C:/Programs/Python34/Lib")
excludes = {'antigravity.py', 'compileall.py', 'crypt.py', 'pty.py',
            'this.py', 'tty.py', '__phello__.foo.py'}
start = time.monotonic()
for name in files:
    if name.endswith('.py') and name not in excludes:

Other than a couple of outliers, the time was consintly about .29 seconds with 
both 3.4 and 3.5:
  F:\Python\dev>py -3.x  c:/programs/python34/tem.py
The 3.5 run is a bit odd since it runs both 3.4 code and 3.5 code, but there 
were no extra exceptions once I added the needed exclusions (pyt and tty are 
also unix only) for 3.4.  The same code runs equally faster with Idle (.17 
seconds), but that must be because Idle has already imported so many more /Lib 
modules (not including idlelib/*) than python itself.


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