New submission from s-wakaba:

When compiling cpython with specifying NSMALLPOSINTS and NSMALLNEGINTS macros 
as zero to skip making small_ints[] array, like following command, process 
couldn't finish.

$ make

The reason looks a problem that PyLong_FromLong(0) returns irregular int 
object: Py_SIZE(zero_int) must be 0, but it becomes 1.

maybe this problem never appears in actual cases, but in "longobject.c", it 
still looks supported to compile without small_ints[].
I don't know it should be fixed or not. but, as a result, I could compile 
cpython after addition of one line like attached patch.
Could you confirm this point?


components: Interpreter Core
files: longobject.c.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 251436
nosy: s-wakaba
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PyLong_FromLong() potentially returns irregular object when small_ints[] 
isn't used
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5
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