Christian Tanzer added the comment:

Josh Rosenberg wrote at Fri, 23 Oct 2015 02:45:51 +0000:

> The Python 2 sort order is a result of the "arbitrary but consistent
> fallback comparison" (omitting details, it's comparing the names of
> the types), thus the "strange" sort order.

Thanks. I knew that.

> Python 3 (justifiably) said that incomparable types should be
> incomparable rather than silently behaving in non-intuitive ways,
> hiding errors.

"justifiably" is debatable. I consider the change ill-conveived.

Displaying a dictionary (or just its keys) in a readable, or just
reproducible, way is useful in many contexts. Python 3 broke that for
very little, INMNSHO, gain.

I consider "hiding errors" a myth, to say it politely!

> Python is being rather generous by allowing non-string keys, because
> the  JSON spec ( ) only allows the keys ("names" in
> JSON parlance) to be strings. So you're already a bit in the weeds as
> far as compliant JSON goes if you have non-string keys.

There are two possibilities:

1) Accepting non-string keys is intended. Then `sort_keys` shouldn't
   break like it does.

   As far as JSON goes, the output of `json.dump[s]` contains string keys.

2) Accepting non-string keys is a bug. Then `json.dump[s]` should be
   changed to not accept them.

Mixing both approaches is the worst of all worlds.

> Since mixed type keys lack meaningful sort order, I'm not sure it's
> wrong to reject attempts to sort them.

The documentation says:

    If sort_keys is True (default False), then the output of dictionaries
    will be sorted by key; this is useful for regression tests to ensure
    that JSON serializations can be compared on a day-to-day basis.

**Reproducible** is the keyword here.

**Readability** is another one. Even if the sort order is "strange",
it is much better than random order, if you are looking for a specific

For the record, it was a test failing under Python 3.5 that triggered
this bug report.

> > As all they keys are dumped as strings, a simple solution would be to
> > sort after converting to strings.
> Converting to string is as
> arbitrary and full of potential for silently incorrect comparisons as
> the Python 2 behavior, and reintroducing it seems like a bad idea.

json.dumps already does the conversion::

    >>> json.dumps({1 : 42, "foo" : "bar", None : "nada"})
    '{"foo": "bar", "1": 42, "null": "nada"}'

Another run::

    >>> json.dumps({1 : 42, "foo" : "bar", None : "nada"})
    '{"1": 42, "foo": "bar", "null": "nada"}'

That difference is exactly the reason for `sort_keys`.


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