New submission from Sjoerd Job Postmus:

Currently Python2.7 calls `PyObject_IsSubclass` during exception handling. This 
allows some virtual-base-class machinery to make Python believe a certain class 
should match an exception while it in reality does not.

However, this does not necessarily give one really enough granularity when 
dealing with base libraries which are not as granular in raising exceptions as 
one would like (the Python base library before PEP3151 comes to mind).

Currently I used the trick of calling `isinstance(sys.exc_info()[1], cls)` in 
the `__subclasscheck__`, which is sort-of a great work-around.[*].

This method is great for sort-of emulating PEP3151 in Python2.7, and similar 
work can be done for other libraries: making the exception classes appear more 
granular based on properties of the instance of the exception.

My belief is that by calling the `isinstance` during exception handling, one 
can use virtual base classes (or should I say virtual base instances) to their 
fullest potential in writing cleaner code.

I think this is important because exception-handling is already a place where 
messy code is likely to occur, and we need all the support we can get in making 
it just a tad less messy.[**]

Note: Python3.5 calls `PyType_IsSubtype`, which has #12029 open for a change 
towards `PyObject_IsSubclass`. As soon as (or before) that's implemented, I'd 
like to propose a similar change for Python3.5+: call `PyObject_IsInstance` 
when the raised exception is an instance.

[*] See for how I use the described 
hack to somewhat emulate PEP3151 in Python2.7.
[**] One question that comes to mind is: why not just write a wrapper around 
the offending library. (1): If it's the base library, almost nobody is going to 
bother. (2): even if it's not the base library, the wrapper will likely be even 
more function calls, which may cost performance in both the good and the bad 
cases, instead of just the bad cases.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 253946
nosy: sjoerdjob
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Call `isinstance` instead of `issubclass` during exception handling
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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