Justin Mayfield added the comment:

Yes, that's what I was suggesting.

Looking at tornado they do the stop between callbacks/matured-scheduled and 
events.  That approach seems somewhat arbitrary to me at first glance but 
tornado is very mature and they usually have good reasons for what they do.   

The notion of always completing a cycle seems more apt to me;  Ie. your first 

A compelling thought experiment for allowing stop() to be lazy is if a user 
could somehow know when stop() was going to run or when it had been run.  The 
nature of ioloop programming prevents you from knowing when it will run and 
because stop() has no return handle/future/task a user can't actually know when 
it did run.  Ie. there is no way to await/add_done_callback on it, so baring 
hacks that bookend a stop() with marker callbacks it should be, as you said, 
sufficiently vague to justify a (more) lazy effect.


I more or less agree on the s/cancelled/done/ changes.  I'm using a similar 
monkey patch in my libraries to dance around this issue right now.  I still 
don't exactly like the idea that code is written with an explicit expectation 
that it could be pending or cancelled, but then must also be inherently 
prepared for spurious done callbacks.  This seems like a borderline contract 
violation by add_writer() and co.  I suppose that add_writer() is primarily 
targeted at streams and the case of an EINTR in a socket connect() is a more a 
one-shot.  Tough call.


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