New submission from Laur Joost:

collections.namedtuple documentation has an example about changing the 
resulting class docstrings:

  Docstrings can be customized by making direct assignments to the
  ``__doc__`` fields:
     >>> Book = namedtuple('Book', ['id', 'title', 'authors'])
     >>> Book.__doc__ += ': Hardcover book in active collection'

This seems to work for the resulting class, but not the field names:

    MsgPacket = namedtuple('MsgPacket', ['sender', 'target', 'sig', 'ser_msg'])
    MsgPacket.__doc__ = '. Message packet format. This is the data added to 
client queues.'
    MsgPacket.sender.__doc__ = 'Sender public key.'


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/UTCloud/UT/DS/S11/", line 42, in <module>
        MsgPacket.sender.__doc__ = 'Sender public key.'
    AttributeError: readonly attribute

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 255121
nosy: Laur Joost, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: namedtuple documentation
versions: Python 3.5

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