SpaceOne added the comment:

Of course both of you have reasonable arguments.
For compatibility with overridden SECTRE attributes it should not raise 
ValueError for characters like [ and ]. (too bad that SECTRE is a public 
attribute otherwise it could also be used to validate the name 
(SECTRE.match('[%s]')). What if somebody changed SECTRE to multiline? Then even 
rejecting '\n' would break compatibility.
But: How often does this happen? In open source projects it seems none. A and google search exposed that no project does this.

Terry, I completely agree with your argument "that blindly inserting external 
input into a database is bad idea". But in the real world it happens that there 
are many applications out which doesn't validate what they pass into 
.add_section(). (Do you want me to give you a list of python projects which are 
either broken or vulnerable?). In my opinion this is dangerous, as well as not 
validating HTTP/Mail/MIME headers for such characters and so on.
What's the goal of python here? Giving programmers nice utilities which have 
security considerations in its software design by default or giving everything 
up to the programmer which is forced to never trust the stdlib and always have 
to read the source code it uses?

As I understand when I read the documentation is that config parser is loosely 
based on M$ INI files and as the name says it is for configuration files. 
Usually(!) configuration files are human readable files editable with an 
editor. Disallowing non-printable characters would have been the best option in 
the first release of config parser.
>From my experience it is good to restrict things from the beginning and make 
>them overrideable to be more relaxed if this is really needed.

And regarding issue20923: I think it would be a great feature to include the 
code change instead of changing the documentation. In my research about 
add_section() I found some projects which uses URI's as section name. As you 
know the WWW is evolving and actually http://[::1]/ is a valid URI nowadays. If 
this would be changed these implementations will not have to overwrite SECTRE 
in the future and they also won't run into that bug one day.

I adapted my commit to only disallow \r \n and \x00. [ ] are allowed for 
customization of SECTRE.


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