Yury Selivanov added the comment:

A new patch is attached.  Please review.

I decided to remove the fix for recursive __cause__.  Currently, `raise e from 
e` doesn't cause any problem, and if we fix the interpreter to raise an 
RuntimeError in such cases it will be a backwards incompatible change.  I don't 
see any point in introducing such a change in a bugfix Python release.  We can 
open a separate issue for 3.6 though.

Fixing __context__ in 3.5.2 is way more important, since the interpreter can 
actually infinitely loop itself in some places.  And since there is no syntax 
for setting __context__ manually (as opposed to __cause__ via raise .. from), I 
suspect that there will be much less people affected by this fix.

stage:  -> patch review
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file41341/Issue25782_4.patch

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