Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Some additional history: the original 1986 book has separate copyright notices 
for text (Cambridge U Press), and computer programs (Numerical Recipes 
Software).  It also has an offer to sell diskettes (Fortran or Pascal), 15 
pounds each.  There is no additional license statements that I can see, even 
for the disks.  I vaguely remember that there was some upset or controversy 
when a 'license' was added to the 2nd edition.

The copyrighted but license-free erf and erfc functions on p. 164) use the 
incomplete gamma functions, which use continued fractions and series for 
different subdomains.  Applied Statistics algorithm AS 66 (about 1973), for 
normal integrals, appears to directly use series and continued fractions for 
different subdomains.  It is based on a similar algorithm from 1969.  Both 
series and continued fraction expansions for erf/normal-integral were known 
well before that.

nosy: +terry.reedy

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