New submission from Emanuel Barry:

I compiled CPython from latest trunk on GitHub (revision 
a587bc1eea903dfac94a85324cc6ab39755769a8), compiled with Py_DEBUG and went to 
run the test suite. Here's the (rather long) output:

E:\GitHub\cpython\PCbuild\win32>python_d -m test
== CPython 3.6.0a0 (default, Jan 26 2016, 23:23:12) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
==   Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 little-endian
==   hash algorithm: siphash24 32bit
==   E:\GitHub\cpython\build\test_python_464
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0,
dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, 
bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1, isolated=0)
[  1/400] test_grammar
[  2/400] test_opcodes
[  3/400] test_dict
[  4/400] test_builtin
[  5/400] test_exceptions
[  6/400] test_types
[  7/400] test_unittest
[  8/400] test_doctest
[  9/400] test_doctest2
[ 10/400] test_support
[ 11/400] test___all__
Assertion failed: compact->wstr_length == 0, file ..\Objects\unicodeobject.c, 
line 427
Fatal Python error: Aborted

Current thread 0x00000a88 (most recent call first):
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\ctypes\", line 64 in find_library
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\", line 473 in <module>
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 656 in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 673 in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 958 in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 969 in _find_and_load
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\", line 29 in <module>
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 222 in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 656 in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 673 in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 958 in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 969 in _find_and_load
  File "<string>", line 1 in <module>
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\", line 23 in check_all
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\", line 105 in test_all
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 600 in run
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 648 in __call__
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 122 in run
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 84 in __call__
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 122 in run
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 84 in __call__
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 122 in run
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\unittest\", line 84 in __call__
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\support\", line 1679 in run
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\support\", line 1780 in _run_suite
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\support\", line 1814 in 
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 161 in 
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 162 in 
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 126 in runtest
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 295 in 
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 356 in run_tests
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 392 in main
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 433 in main
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\libregrtest\", line 455 in 
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\", line 3 in <module>
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\", line 85 in _run_code
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\", line 184 in _run_module_as_main

Python 3.6.0a0 (default, Jan 26 2016, 23:23:12) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import test.test___all__
>>> import unittest
>>> unittest.main(test.test___all__)


Assertion failed: compact->wstr_length == 0, file ..\Objects\unicodeobject.c, 
line 427

Python 3.6.0a0 (default, Jan 26 2016, 23:23:12) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import test.test_os
Assertion failed: compact->wstr_length == 0, file ..\Objects\unicodeobject.c, 
line 427

Call stack (from importing 'test.test_os'):

        ucrtbased.dll!0f7d81f0()        Unknown
        [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for 
        [External Code] 
>       python36_d.dll!_PyUnicode_CheckConsistency(_object * op, int 
> check_content) Line 427    C
        python36_d.dll!resize_compact(_object * unicode, int length) Line 920   
        python36_d.dll!unicode_resize(_object * * p_unicode, int length) Line 
1844      C
        python36_d.dll!PyUnicode_Append(_object * * p_left, _object * right) 
Line 11301 C
        python36_d.dll!unicode_concatenate(_object * v, _object * w, _frame * 
f, unsigned char * next_instr) Line 5318  C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 1565  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCodeEx(_object * _co, _object * globals, 
_object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int kwcount, 
_object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure) Line 4050  
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCode(_object * co, _object * globals, _object 
* locals) Line 777      C
        python36_d.dll!builtin_exec_impl(PyModuleDef * module, _object * 
source, _object * globals, _object * locals) Line 957  C
        python36_d.dll!builtin_exec(PyModuleDef * module, _object * args) Line 
275      C
        python36_d.dll!PyCFunction_Call(_object * func, _object * args, _object 
* kwds) Line 109        C
        python36_d.dll!ext_do_call(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, int 
flags, int na, int nk) Line 5041 C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3233  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4824   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCodeEx(_object * _co, _object * globals, 
_object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int kwcount, 
_object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure) Line 4050  
        python36_d.dll!function_call(_object * func, _object * arg, _object * 
kw) Line 604      C
        python36_d.dll!PyObject_Call(_object * func, _object * arg, _object * 
kw) Line 2170     C
        python36_d.dll!_PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs(_object * callable, 
_Py_Identifier * name, ...) Line 2428  C
        python36_d.dll!PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(_object * name, _object 
* given_globals, _object * locals, _object * given_fromlist, int level) Line 
1633       C
        python36_d.dll!builtin___import__(_object * self, _object * args, 
_object * kwds) Line 213      C
        python36_d.dll!PyCFunction_Call(_object * func, _object * args, _object 
* kwds) Line 98 C
        python36_d.dll!PyObject_Call(_object * func, _object * arg, _object * 
kw) Line 2170     C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(_object * func, _object * 
arg, _object * kw) Line 4592     C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 2759  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCodeEx(_object * _co, _object * globals, 
_object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int kwcount, 
_object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure) Line 4050  
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCode(_object * co, _object * globals, _object 
* locals) Line 777      C
        python36_d.dll!builtin_exec_impl(PyModuleDef * module, _object * 
source, _object * globals, _object * locals) Line 957  C
        python36_d.dll!builtin_exec(PyModuleDef * module, _object * args) Line 
275      C
        python36_d.dll!PyCFunction_Call(_object * func, _object * args, _object 
* kwds) Line 109        C
        python36_d.dll!ext_do_call(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, int 
flags, int na, int nk) Line 5041 C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3233  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4824   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!fast_function(_object * func, _object * * * pp_stack, 
int n, int na, int nk) Line 4815   C
        python36_d.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack, int oparg) Line 
4741       C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 3194  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCodeEx(_object * _co, _object * globals, 
_object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int kwcount, 
_object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure) Line 4050  
        python36_d.dll!function_call(_object * func, _object * arg, _object * 
kw) Line 604      C
        python36_d.dll!PyObject_Call(_object * func, _object * arg, _object * 
kw) Line 2170     C
        python36_d.dll!_PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs(_object * callable, 
_Py_Identifier * name, ...) Line 2428  C
        python36_d.dll!PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject(_object * name, _object 
* given_globals, _object * locals, _object * given_fromlist, int level) Line 
1633       C
        python36_d.dll!builtin___import__(_object * self, _object * args, 
_object * kwds) Line 213      C
        python36_d.dll!PyCFunction_Call(_object * func, _object * args, _object 
* kwds) Line 98 C
        python36_d.dll!PyObject_Call(_object * func, _object * arg, _object * 
kw) Line 2170     C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(_object * func, _object * 
arg, _object * kw) Line 4592     C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f, int throwflag) Line 2759  
        python36_d.dll!_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_object * _co, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int 
kwcount, _object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure, 
_object * name, _object * qualname) Line 4029    C
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCodeEx(_object * _co, _object * globals, 
_object * locals, _object * * args, int argcount, _object * * kws, int kwcount, 
_object * * defs, int defcount, _object * kwdefs, _object * closure) Line 4050  
        python36_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCode(_object * co, _object * globals, _object 
* locals) Line 777      C
        python36_d.dll!run_mod(_mod * mod, _object * filename, _object * 
globals, _object * locals, PyCompilerFlags * flags, _arena * arena) Line 970   C
        python36_d.dll!PyRun_InteractiveOneObject(_iobuf * fp, _object * 
filename, PyCompilerFlags * flags) Line 233    C
        python36_d.dll!PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags(_iobuf * fp, const char * 
filename_str, PyCompilerFlags * flags) Line 112     C
        python36_d.dll!PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(_iobuf * fp, const char * filename, 
int closeit, PyCompilerFlags * flags) Line 74   C
        python36_d.dll!run_file(_iobuf * fp, const wchar_t * filename, 
PyCompilerFlags * p_cf) Line 318 C
        python36_d.dll!Py_Main(int argc, wchar_t * * argv) Line 768     C
        python_d.exe!wmain(int argc, wchar_t * * argv) Line 14  C
        [External Code] 

This was compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015

messages: 259024
nosy: ebarry
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Fatal error when importing ``test.test_os`` in debug mode on Windows
versions: Python 3.6

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