New submission from Emanuel Barry:

Compiled latest master and ran test suite (Py_DEBUG build). A few failures here 
and there, and some tests skipped. I haven't yet looked into getting the proper 
libraries to make some of the skipped tests execute, I'm trying to make the 
whole test suite pass first.

Attached file includes verbose output for all failed tests. The end of the file 
and the traceback at the end of the message here happen, then Python hangs and 
never resumes (tested for ~20 minutes).

Python 3.6.0a0 (default, Jan 27 2016, 10:49:09) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on w
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import test.regrtest
>>> test.regrtest.main_in_temp_cwd() # same as 'py -m test'
== CPython 3.6.0a0 (default, Jan 27 2016, 10:49:09) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
==   Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 little-endian
==   hash algorithm: siphash24 32bit
==   E:\GitHub\cpython\build\test_python_13304
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0,
dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, 
bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1, isolated=0)
[  1/400] test_grammar
[  2/400] test_opcodes
[  3/400] test_dict
[  4/400] test_builtin
[  5/400] test_exceptions
[  6/400] test_types
[  7/400] test_unittest
[  8/400] test_doctest
[  9/400] test_doctest2
[ 10/400] test_support
[ 11/400] test___all__
[ 12/400] test___future__
[ 13/400] test__locale
[ 14/400] test__opcode
[ 15/400] test__osx_support
[ 16/400] test_abc
[ 17/400] test_abstract_numbers
[ 18/400] test_aifc
[ 19/400] test_argparse
[ 20/400] test_array
[ 21/400] test_asdl_parser
[ 22/400] test_ast
[ 23/400] test_asynchat
[ 24/400] test_asyncio
E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\asyncio\ ResourceWarning: unclosed 
<asyncio.sslproto._SSLProtocolTransport object at 0x05EA8BD0>
  warnings.warn("unclosed transport %r" % self, ResourceWarning)
test test_asyncio failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode for 
[ 25/400/1] test_asyncore
[ 26/400/1] test_atexit
[ 27/400/1] test_audioop
[ 28/400/1] test_augassign
[ 29/400/1] test_base64
[ 30/400/1] test_bigaddrspace
[ 31/400/1] test_bigmem
[ 32/400/1] test_binascii
[ 33/400/1] test_binhex
[ 34/400/1] test_binop
[ 35/400/1] test_bisect
[ 36/400/1] test_bool
[ 37/400/1] test_buffer
[ 38/400/1] test_bufio
[ 39/400/1] test_bytes
[ 40/400/1] test_bz2
[ 41/400/1] test_calendar
[ 42/400/1] test_call
[ 43/400/1] test_capi
[ 44/400/1] test_cgi
[ 45/400/1] test_cgitb
[ 46/400/1] test_charmapcodec
[ 47/400/1] test_class
[ 48/400/1] test_cmath
[ 49/400/1] test_cmd
[ 50/400/1] test_cmd_line
[ 51/400/1] test_cmd_line_script
[ 52/400/1] test_code
[ 53/400/1] test_code_module
test test_code_module failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode 
for details
[ 54/400/2] test_codeccallbacks
[ 55/400/2] test_codecencodings_cn
[ 56/400/2] test_codecencodings_hk
[ 57/400/2] test_codecencodings_iso2022
test test_codecencodings_iso2022 failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in 
verbose mode for details
[ 58/400/3] test_codecencodings_jp
[ 59/400/3] test_codecencodings_kr
[ 60/400/3] test_codecencodings_tw
[ 61/400/3] test_codecmaps_cn
[ 62/400/3] test_codecmaps_hk
[ 63/400/3] test_codecmaps_jp
[ 64/400/3] test_codecmaps_kr
[ 65/400/3] test_codecmaps_tw
[ 66/400/3] test_codecs
[ 67/400/3] test_codeop
[ 68/400/3] test_collections
[ 69/400/3] test_colorsys
[ 70/400/3] test_compare
[ 71/400/3] test_compile
[ 72/400/3] test_compileall
[ 73/400/3] test_complex
[ 74/400/3] test_concurrent_futures
[ 75/400/3] test_configparser
[ 76/400/3] test_contains
[ 77/400/3] test_contextlib
[ 78/400/3] test_copy
[ 79/400/3] test_copyreg
[ 80/400/3] test_coroutines
[ 81/400/3] test_cprofile
[ 82/400/3] test_crashers
[ 83/400/3] test_crypt
test_crypt skipped -- No module named '_crypt'
[ 84/400/3] test_csv
[ 85/400/3] test_ctypes
[ 86/400/3] test_curses
test_curses skipped -- Use of the 'curses' resource not enabled
[ 87/400/3] test_datetime
[ 88/400/3] test_dbm
[ 89/400/3] test_dbm_dumb
[ 90/400/3] test_dbm_gnu
test_dbm_gnu skipped -- No module named '_gdbm'
[ 91/400/3] test_dbm_ndbm
test_dbm_ndbm skipped -- No module named '_dbm'
[ 92/400/3] test_decimal
[ 93/400/3] test_decorators
[ 94/400/3] test_defaultdict
[ 95/400/3] test_deque
[ 96/400/3] test_descr
[ 97/400/3] test_descrtut
[ 98/400/3] test_devpoll
test_devpoll skipped -- test works only on Solaris OS family
[ 99/400/3] test_dictcomps
[100/400/3] test_dictviews
[101/400/3] test_difflib
[102/400/3] test_dis
[103/400/3] test_distutils

E:\GitHub\cpython\build\test_python_13304>exit 1

E:\GitHub\cpython\build\test_python_13304>exit 0
Warning -- files was modified by test_distutils
test test_distutils failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode for 
[104/400/4] test_docxmlrpc
[105/400/4] test_dummy_thread
[106/400/4] test_dummy_threading
[107/400/4] test_dynamic
[108/400/4] test_dynamicclassattribute
[109/400/4] test_eintr
[110/400/4] test_email
[111/400/4] test_ensurepip
[112/400/4] test_enum
[113/400/4] test_enumerate
[114/400/4] test_eof
[115/400/4] test_epoll
test_epoll skipped -- test works only on Linux 2.6
[116/400/4] test_errno
[117/400/4] test_exception_variations
[118/400/4] test_extcall
[119/400/4] test_faulthandler
[120/400/4] test_fcntl
test_fcntl skipped -- No module named 'fcntl'
[121/400/4] test_file
[122/400/4] test_file_eintr
[123/400/4] test_filecmp
[124/400/4] test_fileinput
[125/400/4] test_fileio
[126/400/4] test_finalization
[127/400/4] test_float
[128/400/4] test_flufl
[129/400/4] test_fnmatch
[130/400/4] test_fork1
test_fork1 skipped -- object <module 'os' from 
'E:\\GitHub\\cpython\\lib\\'> has no attribute 'fork'
[131/400/4] test_format
[132/400/4] test_fractions
[133/400/4] test_frame
[134/400/4] test_fstring
[135/400/4] test_ftplib
[136/400/4] test_funcattrs
[137/400/4] test_functools
[138/400/4] test_future
[139/400/4] test_future3
[140/400/4] test_future4
[141/400/4] test_future5
[142/400/4] test_gc
[143/400/4] test_gdb
test_gdb skipped -- Couldn't find gdb on the path
[144/400/4] test_generators
[145/400/4] test_genericpath
[146/400/4] test_genexps
[147/400/4] test_getargs2
[148/400/4] test_getopt
[149/400/4] test_getpass
[150/400/4] test_gettext
[151/400/4] test_glob
[152/400/4] test_global
[153/400/4] test_grp
test_grp skipped -- No module named 'grp'
[154/400/4] test_gzip
[155/400/4] test_hash
[156/400/4] test_hashlib
[157/400/4] test_heapq
[158/400/4] test_hmac
[159/400/4] test_html
[160/400/4] test_htmlparser
[161/400/4] test_http_cookiejar
[162/400/4] test_http_cookies
[163/400/4] test_httplib
test test_httplib failed -- multiple errors occurred; run in verbose mode for 
[164/400/5] test_httpservers
Exception in thread Thread-857:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\test\", line 42, in run
    self.server = HTTPServer(('localhost', 0), self.request_handler)
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\", line 443, in __init__
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\http\", line 140, in server_bind
    self.server_name = socket.getfqdn(host)
  File "E:\GitHub\cpython\lib\", line 662, in getfqdn
    hostname, aliases, ipaddrs = gethostbyaddr(name)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc9 in position 0: invalid
continuation byte

files: failed_tests_output.txt
messages: 259075
nosy: ebarry
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Various test suite failures on Windows
Added file:

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