Anders Rundgren added the comment:

As I said, the problem is close to fixed in 3.5.

You should not consider the JCS specification as the [sole] target but the 
ability to creating a normalized JSON object which has many uses including 
calculating a hash of such objects.

# Convert a Python double/float into an ES6/V8 compatible string #
def convert2Es6Format(value):
# Convert double/float to str using the native Python formatter
    pyDouble = str(value)
    pySign = ''
    if pyDouble.find('-') == 0:
#     Save sign separately, it doesn't have any role in the rest
        pySign = '-'
        pyDouble = pyDouble[1:]
    pyExpStr = ''
    pyExpVal = 0
    q = pyDouble.find('e')
    if q > 0:
# Grab the exponent and remove it from the number
        pyExpStr = pyDouble[q:]
        if pyExpStr[2:3] == '0':
# Supress leading zero on exponents
            pyExpStr = pyExpStr[0:2] + pyExpStr[3:]
        pyDouble = pyDouble[0:q]
        pyExpVal = int(pyExpStr[1:])
# Split number in pyFirst + pyDot + pyLast
    pyFirst = pyDouble
    pyDot = ''
    pyLast = ''
    q = pyDouble.find('.')
    if q > 0:
        pyDot = '.'
        pyFirst = pyDouble[0:q]
        pyLast = pyDouble[q + 1:]
# Now the string is split into: pySign + pyFirst + pyDot + pyLast + pyExpStr
    if pyLast == '0':
# Always remove trailing .0
        pyDot = ''
        pyLast = ''
    if pyExpVal > 0 and pyExpVal < 21:
# Integers are shown as is with up to 21 digits
        pyFirst += pyLast
        pyLast = ''
        pyDot = ''
        pyExpStr = ''
        q = pyExpVal - len(pyFirst)
        while q >= 0:
            q -= 1;
            pyFirst += '0'
    elif pyExpVal < 0 and pyExpVal > -7:
# Small numbers are shown as 0.etc with e-6 as lower limit
        pyLast = pyFirst + pyLast
        pyFirst = '0'
        pyDot = '.'
        pyExpStr = ''
        q = pyExpVal
        while q < -1:
            q += 1;
            pyLast = '0' + pyLast
# The resulting sub-strings are concatenated
    return pySign + pyFirst + pyDot + pyLast + pyExpStr


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