New submission from Andrew Barnert:

Currently, the compiler starts with a list of arrays of instructions, packs 
them to 1/3/6-bytes-apiece bytecodes, fixes up all the jumps, and then calls 
PyCode_Optimize on the result. This makes the peephole optimizer much more 
complicated. Assuming PEP 511 is accepted, it will also make plug-in bytecode 
optimizers much more complicated (and probably wasteful--they'll each be 
repeating the same work to re-do the fixups).

The simplest alternative (as suggested by Serhiy on -ideas) is to expose an 
"unpacked" bytecode to the optimizer (in the code parameter and return value 
and lnotab_obj in-out parameter for PyCode_Optimize, and similarly for PEP 511) 
where each instruction takes a fixed 4 bytes. This is much easier to process. 
After the optimizer returns, the compiler packs opcodes into the usual 
1/3/6-byte format, removing NOPs, retargeting jumps, and adjusting the lnotab 
as it goes. (Note that it already pretty much has code to do all of this except 
the NOP removal; it's just doing it before the optimizer instead of after.)


 * Arguments can now only go up to 2**23 instead of 2**31. I don't think that's 
a problem (has anyone ever created a code object with 4 million instructions?).

 * A bit more work for the compiler; we'd need to test to make sure there's no 
measurable performance impact.

We could also expose this functionality through C API PyCode_Pack/Unpack and 
Python dis.pack_code/unpack_code functions (and also make the dis module know 
how to parse unpacked code), which would allow import hooks, post-processing 
decorators, etc. to be simplified as well. This would remove some, but not all, 
of the need for things like byteplay. I think this may be worth doing, but I'm 
not sure until I see how complicated it is.

We could even allow code objects with unpacked bytecode to be executed, but I 
think that's unnecessary complexity. Nobody should want to do that 
intentionally, and if an optimizer lets such code escape by accident, a 
SystemError is fine.

MRAB implied an alternative: exposing some slightly-higher-level label-based 
format. That would be even nicer to work with. But it's also more complicated 
for the compiler and for the API, and I think it's already easy enough to 
handle jumps with fixed-width instructions.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 259693
nosy: abarnert, benjamin.peterson, georg.brandl, haypo, pitrou, 
serhiy.storchaka, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: "unpacked" bytecode
type: enhancement

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