Eryk Sun added the comment:

All of the implemented signals can be registered, and the associated handler 
can at least be executed by calling the C raise() function. However, for 
pure-Python code only SIGINT and SIGBREAK are really useful.

FYI, Windows doesn't implement POSIX signals at the system level. The closest 
analog is an asynchronous procedure call (APC). You can queue a user-mode APC 
to a thread via QueueUserAPC. It executes when the thread enters an alertable 
wait (e.g. WaitForSingleObjectEx or SleepEx with bAlertable as TRUE). 
Kernel-mode APCs get dispatched immediately (when the IRQL is below APC_LEVEL). 
They're typically used by the I/O manager to complete asynchronous I/O Request 
Packets (e.g. copying data to a user-mode buffer). 

In principle, NT could implement POSIX-like signals using APCs, but in practice 
Windows uses other means for the same ends, such as exceptions and structured 
exception handling (e.g. __try, __except, __finally, __leave, RaiseException, 
AddVectoredExceptionHandler), dispatch objects (e.g. SetEvent and 
SetWaitableTimer, which queues an APC), and window messages (e.g. WM_QUIT, 

On Windows, the C runtime implements the six signals that are required by 

SIGABRT and SIGTERM are implemented just for the current process. You can call 
the handler via C raise(). 

    >>> import signal, ctypes
    >>> ucrtbase = ctypes.CDLL('ucrtbase')
    >>> c_raise = ucrtbase['raise']
    >>> foo = lambda *a: print('foo')
    >>> signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, foo)
    <Handlers.SIG_DFL: 0>
    >>> c_raise(signal.SIGTERM)

SIGTERM is useless. 

You also can't do much with SIGABRT using the signal module because the abort() 
function kills the process once the handler returns, which happens immediately 
when using the signal module's internal handler (it trips a flag for the Python 
callable to be called later). Instead use the faulthandler module. Or call the 
CRT's signal() function via ctypes to set a ctypes callback as the handler.

The CRT implements SIGSEGV, SIGILL, and SIGFPE by setting a Windows structured 
exception handler (SEH) for the corresponding Windows exceptions:


Use the faulthandler module for these exception-based signals. The way they're 
implemented is incompatible with Python's signal handler. The exception filter 
calls the registered handler and then returns EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION. 
Python's handler only trips a flag for the interpreter to call the registered 
Python callable at a later time. So the code that triggered the exception will 
trigger again, and so on in an endless loop. 

That leaves SIGINT, to which Windows adds the non-standard SIGBREAK. Both 
console and non-console processes can raise() one of these signals, but only a 
console process can receive them from another process. 

The CRT sets a console control event handler via SetConsoleCtrlHandler. When 
the console sends the process a CTRL_C_EVENT or CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, the CRT's 
handler calls the associated SIGINT or SIGBREAK handler. 

Note that this is implemented by creating a new thread in the process that 
begins executing at kernel32!CtrlRoutine. Unlike SIGINT on POSIX, the handler 
does not execute on the main thread (hijacking a thread is taboo in Windows). 
This can lead to synchronization problems that Python 3 attempts to work around 
by using a Windows event object.

You can send a control event to all processes attached to the current console 
via GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent. You can target a subset of processes that belong 
to a process group, or send the event to all processes by targeting process 
group 0. 

What the console does when the target ID isn't a process group ID is undefined. 
It basically acts like the target is group 0, but that shouldn't be relied on. 
(It's most likely a bug.) It can also mess up the console's list of attached 
processes (i.e. GetConsoleProcessList) by adding non-console processes. 

The docs for os.kill clearly state that you can only send signal.CTRL_C_EVENT 
and signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT on Windows. Any other value is passed to 
TerminateProcess as the exit code, which kills the process without notice (like 

It also states that "[t]he Windows version of kill() additionally takes process 
handles to be killed", which I don't think was ever true. That line needs to be 

It also fails to clarify that the target has to be a process group ID, and what 
that is. Every process in a Windows session belongs to a process group, even if 
it's just the wininit.exe group (services session) or winlogon.exe group 
(interactive session). A new group is created by passing the creation flag 
CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP when creating a new process. The group ID is the 
process ID of the created process. AFAIK, the console is the only system that 
uses the process group, and that's just for GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent. 

Don't rely on being able to send CTRL_C_EVENT to anything but group 0, since 
it's initially disabled in a new process group. It's not impossible to send 
this event to a new group, but the target process first has to enable 
CTRL_C_EVENT by calling SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, FALSE).

CTRL_BREAK_EVENT is all you can depend on since it can't be disabled. Sending 
this event is a simple way to gracefully kill a child process that was started 
with CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, assuming it has a Windows CTRL_BREAK_EVENT or C 
SIGBREAK handler. If not, the default handler will terminate the process, 
setting the exit code to STATUS_CTRL_C_EXIT. For example:

    >>> import os, signal, subprocess
    >>> p = subprocess.Popen('python.exe',
    ...         stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
    ...         creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP)
    >>> os.kill(, signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)
    >>> STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT = 0xC000013A
    >>> p.wait() == STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT

Notice that CTRL_BREAK_EVENT wasn't sent to the current process, because I 
targeted the process group of the child process (including all of its child 
processes that are attached to the console, and so on). If I had used group 0, 
the current process would have been killed as well since I didn't define a 
SIGBREAK handler. Let's try that, but with a handler set:

    >>> c_break = lambda *a: print('^BREAK')
    >>> signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, c_break)
    <Handlers.SIG_DFL: 0>
    >>> os.kill(0, signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT)

nosy: +eryksun

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