SilentGhost added the comment:

Mathieu, nothing was attached. The penalty's worth only a few if statements, I 
wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, a C version is going to be provided 
as well, right?

Perhaps the following approach might solve the subclasses problem:

regex = dispatch.get(cls)
if not regex:
    classes = datetime, date, time
    cls = next((c for c in classes if issubclass(cls, c)), None)
    if cls is None:   
        raise TypeError
    regex = dispatch[cls]

Perhaps, TypeError is unnecessary there and just propagating StopIteration 
would do. In that case the if clause would look like:

    classes = datetime, date, time
    cls = next(c for c in classes if issubclass(cls, c))
    regex = dispatch[cls]


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