TJG added the comment:

If I run your code, it does what I expect: pressing Ctrl-C produces
"Interrupt", doesn't print the data returned from raw_input, and doesn't
produce a stacktrace.

I'm not on Win10 and it's entirely possible that this area of the MS CRT
has been reworked: it's a bit quirky and our use of it is fairly fragile.

I'm still not clear, though, whether we have a bug or whether it's just
that your expectation is at odds with the way in which this is intended
to work.

If you think there's a bug here, could you run the code you posted in a
console window, do what actions are needed to make it fail, and then
cut-and-paste the result here, possibly as an attached file. (Don't post
a screenshot; just use the cmd window's mark-and-copy functionality to
select the visible text).


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