New submission from Josh Snider:

replace_interleave in Objects/bytesobject.c and Objects/bytearrayobject.c can 
be optimized for the special case where the interleaving byte string is a 
single character.

Here's some quick results from timeit showing that it's about three times 
faster for the special case.
* Before (cold start):
>>> timeit.timeit('(b"x" * 2000000).replace(b"", b".")', number=1000)
* After (cold start):
>>> timeit.timeit('(b"x" * 2000000).replace(b"", b".")', number=1000)

For the non-special case, running timeit.timeit('(b"x" * 2000000).replace(b"", 
b".0")', number=10000) takes ~173 seconds on both versions.

components: Library (Lib)
files: bytes.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 261870
nosy: Josh Snider
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: replace_interleave can be optimized for single character byte strings
type: performance
versions: Python 3.6
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