STINNER Victor added the comment:

Ok, I now understand the problem better. They are two kinds of io objects:

(1) object which directly or indirectly owns a limited resource like file 
descriptor => must emit a ResourceWarning
(2) object which don't own a limited resource => no ResourceWarning must be 

Examples of (1): FileIO, BufferedReader(FileIO), 

Examples of (2): BytesIO, BuffereadReader(BytesIO), 

The tricky part is to decide if an object owns a limited resource or not. 
Currently, the io module uses the _dealloc_warn() trick. A close() method tries 
to call _dealloc_warn(), but it ignores any exception when calling 
_dealloc_warn(). BufferedReader calls raw._dealloc_warn(). TextIOWrapper calls 

For case (1), BufferedReader(FileIO).close() calls FileIO._dealloc_warn() => 
ResourceWarning is logged

For case (2), BufferedReader(BytesIO).close() calls BytesIO._dealloc_warn() 
raises an AttributeError => no warning is logged

Well, we can call this a hack, but it works :-) pyio_res_warn-3.patch 
implements the same hack in _pyio.


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