New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

path_converter in Modules/posixmodule.c sequentially tries to convert an 
argument to str, bytes, and int. If previous conversion is failed, it clears 
the error and tries with type. This can hide some errors (such as MemoryError) 
and even cause using unexpected conversion.

Proposed patch cleans up path_converter. In addition it avoids copying the 
content of instances of string subclass.

assignee: serhiy.storchaka
components: Extension Modules
files: path_converter_cleanup.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 262657
nosy: larry, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Clean up path_converter in posixmodule.c
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6
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