New submission from Philip Jenvey:

Basically a reopen of the older issue8485 with the same name. It was decided 
there to drop support for bytearray filenames -- partly because of the 
complexity of handling buffers but it was also deemed to just not make much 

This regressed or crept back into the posix module with the big path_converter 
changes for 3.3:

IMHO this functionality should be deprecated/removed per the original 
discussion, or does someone want to reopen the debate?

The os module docs (and path_converter's own docs) explicitly advertise 
handling of str or bytes, not bytearrays or buffers. Even os.fsencode rejects 

Related to issue26754 -- further inconsistencies around filename handling

assignee: larry
components: Interpreter Core
keywords: 3.3regression
messages: 263694
nosy: Ronan.Lamy, haypo, larry, pitrou, pjenvey, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Don't accept bytearray as filenames part 2
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

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