Eryk Sun added the comment:

Generally the directory that an application needs for its configuration files 
and data is either the script directory or an %AppData% or %LocalAppData% 
subdirectory. If the initial working directory matters for some reason (e.g. 
for writing output files), the parent process either changes to the desired 
directory beforehand or passes the working directory as a parameter to the 
CreateProcess or ShellExecuteEx API. It wouldn't make sense for Python to set 
the working directory to the script directory, because a standard user probably 
can't even modify that directory. 

> From Explorer:

When running a file, Explorer usually creates the child process with the 
initial working directory set to that of the target file. However, for "open 
with" it uses its own working directory, "%SystemRoot%\System32". Actually, the 
"open with" dialog (not the menu) that lets you select and run an application 
isn't even Explorer. It's openwith.exe. At least it is in Windows 10 and, IIRC, 
back to Windows 7.

A workaround is to create a "Run" command in 
"HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\SystemFileAssociations\.py". See the following page for 
more information about application registration:

For example, the follow .reg file defines a command to run a script using the 
py.exe launcher. It also adds an "Edit" command that uses DDE to open a script 
in Visual Studio 2015. 

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 
14.0\\Common7\\IDE\\devenv.exe\" /dde"





@="\"C:\\Windows\\py.exe\" \"%1\" %*"

These commands are associated directly with the .py file extension, so they'll 
always be available, even if no ProgID (e.g. Python.File) is associated with 
.py scripts. However, the shell will prefer a selected ProgID's "Run" or "Edit" 
commands, if they exist.

FYI, Explorer's "FileExts\.py" key caches the OpenWithProgids, OpenWithList, 
and the selected UserChoice for .py files. It shouldn't be modified 
programmatically, and there's actually a deny ACE on the UserChoice subkey to 
prevent setting values. One thing you can do, if necessary, is delete the 
entire key to recompute the file association from the HKCR settings.

If you're manually testing changes by directly modifying the registry (such as 
deleting the above key), you can call the shell's SHChangeNotify function to 
refresh file associations, which avoids having to log off and back on. For 

    import ctypes
    shell32 = ctypes.WinDLL('shell32')

    SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED = 0x08000000
    shell32.SHChangeNotify.restype = None
    shell32.SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, 0, 0, 0)

> from the command prompt:

cmd spawns a process using its current working directory (displayed in the 
prompt, or returned by "cd" without an argument). This is not necessarily the 
directory of the target file. You can use the /d option of the start command to 
override this with a specific working directory. For example:

    start "title" /d "C:\Temp" "C:\Temp\"

nosy: +eryksun

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