New submission from Vitaly:

Python 2.7 documentation is VERY misleading about the functionality of 
assertItemsEqual. The implementation only compares item counts, but the 
documentation actually claims to compare not only the counts, but the actual 
sorted elements themselves. This documentation mislead my group to use this 
method for comparing the elements. See, which 
is what appears on

   .. method:: assertItemsEqual(actual, expected, msg=None)

      Test that sequence *expected* contains the same elements as *actual*,
      regardless of their order. When they don't, an error message listing the
      differences between the sequences will be generated.

      Duplicate elements are *not* ignored when comparing *actual* and
      *expected*. It verifies if each element has the same count in both
      sequences. It is the equivalent of ``assertEqual(sorted(expected),
      sorted(actual))`` but it works with sequences of unhashable objects as

messages: 265889
nosy: vitaly
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Documentation of assertItemsEqual in unittest is VERY misleading in 2.7

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