STINNER Victor added the comment:

Hi, I ran the CPython benchmark suite (my fork modified to be more stable) on 
ed4eec682199 (patched) vs 7a7f54fe0698 (base). The patched version contains 
wordcode (issue #26647) + 16-bit fetch for opcode and oparg (issue #27097).

The speedup is quite nice. Attached default-May26-03-05-10.log contains the 
full output.

Faster (27):
- unpack_sequence: 1.11x faster
- simple_logging: 1.11x faster
- silent_logging: 1.10x faster
- formatted_logging: 1.09x faster
- raytrace: 1.08x faster
- chaos: 1.08x faster
- etree_process: 1.08x faster
- call_simple: 1.07x faster
- mako_v2: 1.07x faster
- tornado_http: 1.07x faster
- nqueens: 1.07x faster
- regex_compile: 1.06x faster
- pathlib: 1.06x faster
- 2to3: 1.06x faster
- richards: 1.05x faster
- spectral_norm: 1.05x faster
- etree_generate: 1.05x faster
- chameleon_v2: 1.04x faster
- pickle_list: 1.03x faster
- pickle_dict: 1.03x faster
- regex_v8: 1.03x faster
- go: 1.03x faster
- call_method: 1.03x faster
- django_v3: 1.03x faster
- telco: 1.02x faster
- json_load: 1.02x faster
- call_method_unknown: 1.02x faster

Slower (1):
- fannkuch: 1.07x slower

Not significat (14):
- unpickle_list
- startup_nosite
- regex_effbot
- pidigits
- normal_startup
- nbody
- meteor_contest
- json_dump_v2
- float
- fastunpickle
- fastpickle
- etree_parse
- etree_iterparse
- call_method_slots

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