New submission from Sean Hunt:

I know that websockets has a issue with when a internet connection is dropped 
and prints a bad traceback. However I have to manually recreate it when the 
exception happens which is a pain as when it does it crashes aiohttp sessions 
as well.

Also I wonder how I can bytecompile some dependencies that would normally be in 
site-packages to install manually to the embed version of python so that way I 
do not have to append to sys.path?

And 1 more thing why does importlib fail when you try to reload a relativly 
imported module. Do you guys plan to add support for it someday? I hope so as 
it sucks that I cant do such thing as ```py
from .somefile import someclass``` and be able to reload it by only knowing 

Also it would be nice if there was a mode in python 3.5.1 that allows you to 
generate bytecode that you can use in the embed copy of the same version. Or to 
allow the embed version to generate bytecode that you can use to add to 
```` eaily using WinRAR.

messages: 266686
nosy: Sean Hunt
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python 3.5.1's websocket's lib crashes in event that internet connection 

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